K2's Working Remotely - The New Normal
Course Information
CPE Credits
4-Hour Course
Information Technology (4 Credits)
Fundamental Knowledge of Computer Applications
Program Level
Course Information
CPE Credits
4-Hour Course
Information Technology
(4 Credits)
Fundamental Knowledge of Computer Applications
Program Level
Major Topics
Small businesses have unique and specific technology needs, including those around remote access. Whether team members need remote access to desktops, data, voice services, instant messaging, or Cloud-based services, sometimes the list of available options can be overwhelming!
In this course, you will learn about practical solutions for facilitating remote access in small businesses. Among other items, included in this program is a detailed review of various solutions to provide remote access to a desktop, how to work securely from remote locations, key considerations when selecting Cloud-based solutions, and how to facilitate communication and collaboration in remote environments.

Course Description
Whether by choice or necessity, many team members now find themselves working remotely. In this new normal, questions abound surrounding remote access to desktops and data, security, communications, collaboration, and other considerations. When implemented correctly, remote work strategies can be a “win-win” for all involved; on the other hand, failed implementations may lead to inefficiencies, security issues, and dissatisfied team members.

In this session, you will learn today’s best practices for working remotely. Specifically, you will learn about various remote access tools available to you, communication and collaboration options, and security best practices. You will also learn about the need to manage and monitor workflows in remote work environments and tools that you can use for that purpose. After completing this session, you should be able to implement a remote work strategy that yields efficiency, security, and satisfaction to all involved.
Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, you should be able to:
- Differentiate between options for remotely accessing your computer, applications, and data
- Identify recommended security practices for remote access and related tools and services
- List examples of Cloud-based services and suites that can contribute to working remotely
- Distinguish between communication and collaboration tools for remote workers

Who is the course for?
CPAs and other business professionals who are seeking the best ways to implement remote work and work-from-home strategies.
Instructional Delivery Method
Group-live demo and discussion. This session is “laptop-friendly,” and we encourage participants to follow along on their own devices.