K2's Emerging Technologies for Accountants, Including Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
Course Information
CPE Credits
4-Hour Course
Information Technology (4 Credits)
Program Level
Course Information
CPE Credits
4-Hour Course
Information Technology (4 Credits)
Program Level
Major Topics
Small businesses have unique and specific technology needs, including those around remote access. Whether team members need remote access to desktops, data, voice services, instant messaging, or Cloud-based services, sometimes the list of available options can be overwhelming!
In this course, you will learn about practical solutions for facilitating remote access in small businesses. Among other items, included in this program is a detailed review of various solutions to provide remote access to a desktop, how to work securely from remote locations, key considerations when selecting Cloud-based solutions, and how to facilitate communication and collaboration in remote environments.

Course Description
Unlike mainstream technologies in use in businesses every day, many of the currently emerging technologies have the potential to drastically change how we work, live, and play in the years ahead. New and emerging technologies such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning all offer great potential, just as the advent of the personal computer did some four decades ago.

This session will cover an assortment of technologies nearing mainstream adoption and help you understand what they do, how they work, and some of the potential risks and rewards they offer potential users, particularly in business environments.
In this course, you will learn the basics of blockchain, cryptocurrency, big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. You will also learn about the anticipated uses, benefits, risks, and threats posed to legacy businesses by these innovative, yet disruptive platforms. Now is the time to prepare for the future by learning about these technologies and how they will impact – and potentially disrupt – current business practices.
Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, you should be able to:
- Define Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptocurrency, Big Data, and Machine Learning
- Identify the Major Similarities and Differences Between Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning
- List Examples of Potential Use Cases for Each of the Technologies Discussed in this Session and Identify How These Technologies Differ from Current Practices
How did Bitcoin get started?
How did Bitcoin – the largest cryptocurrency in the world – get started? Click the download button below to get the whitepaper that set the stage for Bitcoin and detailed how cryptocurrency could provide the world with a secure alternative to traditional payment systems.

Who is the course for?
Practitioners and Business Executives who need to know more about emerging technologies, including blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
Instructional Delivery Method
Group-live demo and discussion using color computer projection.