On Demand Top Five

Top Five Reasons to Choose On Demand Training

Why On Demand CPE is the Right Choice for Many Busy Professionals

On Demand (self-study) education is perhaps the fastest growing segment of professional education. Following are five of the top reasons why more professionals are using on-demand education to satisfy their CPE needs.


You can participate in an on-demand session at a time and place of that’s convenient for you. That could be your home, your office, while riding a train/plane/or bus, or even a client/customer location. Further, you can complete an On Demand program at a time that works best for you. Perhaps that means going from start to finish in the same day. Alternatively, it could mean that you choose to learn in shorter intervals – in the On Demand world, you decide!

Focused Learning Opportunities 

On Demand topics tend to focus on specific issues, as opposed to broader topics. Therefore, you receive in-depth discussions on the topics that are of specific interest to you, 

Time Savings 

Because there is no need to travel to participate in an On Demand program, you save valuable time in your busy schedule. Additionally, as identified above, On Demand educations provides focused learning opportunities. Of course, this means you do not sit through content that may not be relevant to your situation.


On Demand education options typically cost less than equivalent traditional seminars or conference sessions, particularly when you factor in travel costs.

Great Content!

With K2 Enterprises On Demand training options, you access the great content developed by the team at K2 Enterprises. You are also getting access to the same great instructors, with literally hundreds of years of developing professional education programs. At K2 Enterprises, we’ve got our finger on the pulse of the profession.  and our content will help equip you with tools you need to succeed!

We look forward to seeing you in a K2 Enterprises On Demand event. For questions, please visit our FAQs section or send a message to info@k2e.com.

K2 Enterprises is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.