Multiple Changes Ahead For QuickBooks Desktop

In a move long-expected by many, Intuit has announced that it will migrate QuickBooks Desktop licenses to a pure subscription model and that perpetual licenses will no longer be available. This shift continues a trend embraced by almost all software publishers. In addition, Intuit announced other changes relating to the ProAdvisor program and support for 64-bit operating systems. In this article, you will learn more about what Intuit’s moves mean for you and your clients.
Subscription Pricing Only Is Effective With QuickBooks Desktop 2022
Effective with the release of QuickBooks Desktop Pro, Premier, and Mac 2022, Intuit is offering these applications in a subscription-only environment. As a result, users will no longer be able to acquire QuickBooks Desktop licenses as perpetual licenses. Instead, they will pay an annual fee for the right to use the software for a one-year. At the end of that time, they will need to renew their subscription at the then-current rate to continue using the software.
Notably, this is not a new strategy for Intuit and its’ market-leading QuickBooks product line. For example, QuickBooks Online has always been available as a subscription license only. Further, QuickBooks Enterprise transitioned to subscription pricing several years ago. In addition, Intuit recently began offering QuickBooks Desktop Pro, Premier, and Mac as subscription licenses, although perpetual licenses remained available.
Impact On Existing Perpetual License Users
Intuit will continue to offer QuickBooks Pro, Premier, and Mac 2021 one-time purchases for those desiring to use perpetual licenses, but only through December 10, 2021. Further, these licenses will be available only through QuickBooks Solution Providers and Intuit Sales Agents. In alignment with QuickBooks’ three-year “maintenance window,” technical support for QuickBooks 2021 perpetual licenses is available through May 2024.
ProAdvisor Pricing Is Increasing With 2022 Memberships
In addition to transitioning to a subscription-only environment, Intuit also announced ProAdvisor membership pricing is increasing by $50 per year. The new price for a ProAdvisor “Premier” membership is $499 per year, compared to $449 previously. Likewise, the new price for an “Enterprise” membership is increasing to $849 per year.
QuickBooks Desktop 2022 Will Be 64-Bit Compliant
Intuit also announced in early September that QuickBooks Desktop 2022 is 64-bit compliant. In laymen’s terms, that means that users should see better performance from QuickBooks desktop when running the application on a computer with a 64-bit processor. Intuit testing indicates performance boosts of up to 38% when comparing QuickBooks running on a 64-bit computer versus a 32-bit computer. That’s the good news. However, this change means that those running older 32-bit computers cannot run QuickBooks Desktop on their legacy hardware. If you still run a 32-bit computer, you likely should begin making plans to replace it so you can take advantage of faster processors, not only with QuickBooks but also with other applications.
New versions of software bring about change. And while Intuit has not yet indicated what feature changes we can expect in QuickBooks Desktop 2022, significant fundamental changes are in store for users. Subscription licenses, changes to the ProAdvisor program, and support for 64-bit processors are all on deck for QuickBooks Desktop, and you should begin preparing today. Further, be on the lookout for Intuit’s announcement of feature updates so that you can prepare to take advantage of them to increase your productivity and efficiency with QuickBooks Desktop.
For more information on the changes outlined above, CLICK HERE to read an update from Intuit.
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