Microsoft officially unveiled Windows 11 on October 5. The latest update to the Windows operating systems offers some subtle changes and some that are not so subtle. As a result,…
Category: Articles
How To Simplify Your Bookkeeping
Don’t want to hire a bookkeeper or use outsourced Client Accounting Services (CAS)? Here are some tips on how to simplify your bookkeeping.
K2 Enterprises Announces the 20th Annual K2 Quality Awards Winners
The K2 Quality Awards are in their twentieth year, and they are among the most well respected and longest-standing awards in the Accounting industry. In announcing this year’s award winners,…
Cut Your Remote Overhead Expenses
There’s been a massive transition to remote work. This gives businesses an opportunity to cut your remote overhead expenses.
Software Licenses - Should You Choose Perpetual Or Subscription?
Software Licenses – Should You Choose Perpetual Or Subscription? Microsoft’s recent release of Office 2021 has reignited the debate between perpetual software licenses versus subscription licenses. As a perpetual license,…
5 Best Practices for Automating Your Office Workflows
Workflow automation is important. These 5 best practices for automating your office workflows will guide you to the success you desire.
Pricing Basics for CPAs
Making a CPA firm successful requires tracking and tending to many critical areas of the business. Getting the pricing basics for CPAs is fundamental for success.
Grants & Programs to Help You Kickstart Your Business
Grants & programs to help you kickstart your business can make the a big difference in growth and financial stability. Learn about several programs and understand how to qualify
Be the Change: How to Create Your Own Nonprofit
Have you noticed an issue in your community that nobody seems to be addressing? Perhaps you can be the change. In this article on How to Create Your Own Nonprofit,…
Payment Technologies Continue To Evolve - Don't Miss These Opportunities
Payment Technologies Continue To Evolve – Don’t Miss These Opportunities! In subtle and not-so-subtle ways, how companies receive payments from their customers has changed drastically during the past decade. The…